

The parish was visited on a number of occasions between March 1932 and November 1933 by surveyor G E Chambers (GEC).  All the photos seem to have been taken by V.J.H. Some appear to be missing; for example, there is a pencil note on the page for monument 10 ‘V.J.H. 1092’ but no photo is inserted.

The church was not included in the photographs taken of the surveyor’s notebook so it is not included here, but details can be found in Volume III of the printed RCHME survey.

Each ‘monument’ was given a number and its location is shown on the maps below. Click on a map to open it in another window and to zoom.. Buildings which were not described were presumably examined from the outside but were not regarded as old enough to examine further. Time has proved some of these judgments incorrect.

Most of the monuments did not have a name and can be identified by their number or letter on the map and their location description with regards to the church. Because of this and because most buildings have a single sheet record card only a few have been separately identified.


1 Church – see note above.


2 Castle

RCHME Wigmore Monument 2 Wigmore Castle


3 Chapel Farm

RCHME Wigmore Monument 3 Chapel Farm


4 Wigmore Hall

RCHME Wigmore Monument 4 Wigmore Hall


5-20 Secondary Monuments

RCHME Wigmore Monuments 5 to 20


21 Upper Limebrook Farm

RCHME Wigmore Monument 21 Upper Limebrook Farm


22 Lodge Farm

RCHME Wigmore Monument 22 Lodge Farm