

Because of the growth of interest in family history many sources for research into Herefordshire’s people are now online and the Club is not proposing to duplicate this material nor to publish specific family histories. For example, for each Herefordshire parish images of its tithe map and apportionment plus indexes to the owners and occupiers are available by subscription from The Genealogist website. It is possible to search tithe apportionments by parish and owner or occupier for free from the Herefordshire through Time website but the original maps are not viewable and so one can’t see the location of the plot concerned. The original documents are available at the Herefordshire archives and the National Archives. You may also find interesting images on Herefordshire History, a website run by Herefordshire Council, but this does have the drawback that downloading images, amps or ebooks incurs a charge which is used to fund further work on the website.

References to Herefordshire’s people can be found scattered throughout the Club’s publications and often these were not indexed. Other information added to this website may incidentally contain names e.g. on a map but it would be impossible to index all these. The best plan is to search for a name but to widen the search to a parish if that proves fruitless. 

However, in their researches Club members often come across lists of people which are not available online and would like to contribute images and/or transcriptions of the material to the website. There may be photographs of village functions to give context to a family’s life or a pew list. When this material is added to the website some keywords (e.g. parish, date if known) will be attached to the material to help in finding it. Even so, don’t rule out any material if it is at about the right time. It is not possible to guarantee the accuracy of all transcriptions as handwriting is often difficult to read or obscured. 

As always, the material is copyright of the contributor and their permission must be sought before any reproduction is made, but as contributors’ names will be private this will have to be done via the webmaster. If you just want to reference the material you can quote the web address.

The topics in this section of the website will grow in response to demand, so please make your suggestions to the webmaster or website development manager.