This section will give give some hints on how to find location details e.g. to find out grid reference information. 

Information on the development of the map grid system for England and Wales can be found on the Ordnance Survey website where there is a  link to spreadsheet tool to allow conversion between the grid reference number and eastings/northings. The whole issue of how the world is mapped is complex; see this article, but by sticking to systems used in England and Wales it is simplified.

Our website can be used to report interesting material e.g. a special tree or a crop mark. You will need to give information on its location. (If in doubt about whether this would compromise its safety please advise a Club officer separately and put in a less accurate reference for public consumption.)

If you don't have an app on your phone to use in the field or can't use it in an area without reception, there is a simple website which is useful for finding a particular item (say a tree, earthwork or building) the Grid Reference Finder. This allows you to input a place name or a post code and then zoom in on an aerial photo of the area to find your location. Select the point you want, then right-click (if you can) and scroll down to see the details of Grid. Ref., Eastings/Northings and Latitude/Longitude displayed. (There is more useful information about the maps used and other queries at the top of the screen).

From 2006 to 2009 an Ancient Woodlands project  combined Herefordshire maps and information from many sources into an accurate multi-layered geographic information system (GIS). For more information see the project report Ancient Woodlands and Trees of Herefordshire by David Lovelace. The work on the GIS system did not end with the project and hopefully information from it will be made more easily accessible.