Although there is no longer a separate Geology Section of the Woolhope Club, additional field meetings and winter lectures are arranged on geological subjects. This section contains the text of the reports on each meeting but also additional material which could not be included in the reports in the Newsletter or Earth Matters.
The photograph on the left was taken during the geology field meeting on 1 June 2019, when members walked around the Woolhope Dome, the geological formation from which the Woolhope Club takes its name. The meeting leader is pointing out the thin, pale grey layer of bentonite , which is formed from the ash ejected in a volcanic eruption.
Club members who wish to attend field meetings must advise the Geology secretary via the CONTACT US tab on the Home Page. Members' guests are permitted. Meetings are sometimes held jointly with other societies. Be aware that these meetings often involve scrambling so appropriate footwear should be worn, sticks brought if necessary and you should plan to bring a picnic lunch.

Geology Field Meeting reports
2019 March 30 Goodrich and Coppet Hill
The report on the meeting can be read here. A further report on the local building stone and quarries written for the Earth Heritage Trust building stone project can he read here.
2019 April 7 Cotteridge Park Birmingham The report on the meeting can be read here.